Helen Adie

Helen is an artist specialising in printmaking, especially etching, woodcut and monoprint. She started out as an actor and director, and theatre informs much of her artistic practice. In some cases, her work is inspired by productions she has worked on, where she is trying to capture the dramatic tension and animation of live performance. In others, imaginary choruses and figures encounter each other at key moments of revelation or anticipation, somewhere between movement and stillness.

Helen’s etchings might go through several stages towards the final image, combining various techniques like soft ground using lace for texture, sugar lift and aquatint. This process feels almost akin to rehearsing a play, with each stage offering scope for discovery and transformation.

 Helen has exhibited widely including The Master's Etching, curated by Norman Ackroyd,

The Royal Society Overseas League, The Royal Society of British Artists and in the past four years at The Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair.