Sophie Levi-Kallin

Sophie Levi-Kallin is a textile artist who creates scenes using scrap fabrics and sewing machine embroidery. She is conscious of her environmental impact and all the scraps are old clothes or off-cuts. She developed the way of working herself in 2021, using the colours, layers, texture and history of the fabric as paint, and stitches to draw on top (never any glue or paint). Sophie is interested in the juxtaposition of different architecture, in contrast with natural trees/sky, and in sewing specific, recognisable places. Her artworks are mostly of London, rarely feature people, and never cars (inspired by her other work as a Transport Planner at TfL).  As well as exhibiting in group shows (+markets/fairs) and participating in ArtCan Sophie has exhibited twice alongside her family members, who are also artists, and will continue this family collaboration in the future.